Thursday, 2 April 2009

02-04-2009 (Thursday)

It was freezing cold weather today… I wonder is the weather going to be like this throughout… It is already April and it should be a summer period…

Really do not know… Anyway, today got to wake up very early as lesson will be starting at 8am… Today first lesson was to lecture by Mr. An… He was going to finish another half of the lecture…

His lecturer was quite understandable that he tried his best to give us more detail about his say… Though sometimes I not really understand what the things are all about, I tried to give my very best attention to him…

Today lecturer was about Taoism and Buddhism… One of our classmates was actually a belief of Taoism because Singapore does not have Taoism so he took it as Buddhism… That person is Jit Siong… As for Buddhism, I believed most of us believed in it while others are Christian or even a free- thinker… I wonder how we really classified ourselves in which belief…

After the lecturer, we then went to have our lunch… When the time we went out of the school, there actually a drizzle and slowly is started to rain… To us not so heavily but to the students in China, they telling us that the rain is heavily… Then we quickly have our meals and then went back to the hostel to rest, completing work and taking afternoon nap… The next half of the lecturer will also be conducted by a China lecturer… Not Mr. An again…

The person is called “Christopher”. We also have a friend call “Cristofer” but his name is different from the lecturer even though they are about the same pronunciation… The afternoon was about “The Culture of Marriage & FengShui”. It’s very quite interesting as we be able to see many different culture of marriage. Before the wedding ceremony what they have to prepare, during wedding ceremony and rituals after wedding ceremony… After all the wedding ceremony, we were being taught some knowledge of FengShui…

After the lecturer, we were released and went back to hostel… At about 7.30pm, we went out to have our dinner and after dinner we came back to hostel to finish the remaining works that need to be done within this few days… At about 12pm, we turned off the light and sleep…

Today I get to observe that some places of China do not experience heavily rain… With a small water droplets dropping onto us, they say that the rain was raining heavily… Sometimes when seeing them ordering food, they were like treating the server a maid… Do they practice some manners? I was wondering…

Luckily not all china is behaving in that way… I know that some places maybe worst but they do need to know how to change… Still we were tried to influence them with our culture that we know how to say thank you when someone offering us with some help or even giving us what we want…

That is what I like to say that manners is everything to see a person personality…

In conclusion, personality makes a person character… If one would want to behave in that way, we do not have a way to change them… That is their life… That be all… Goodnight!

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