Thursday, 9 April 2009

09-04-2009 (Thursday)

I am counting down to go back Singapore… Left about 5 more days before I can really see my parents and my friends… What a long journey I have in Wuhan… Today was another sunny day once again… I wake up at about 10 plus and went to do my necessary things… Doing nothing after all the washing that needs to be done…

It was a day doing nothing… Still, we got to complete the last touch up for the mini-project… As in the afternoon, we have an interview for our mini-project…

Then at about 1pm, we went to have our lunch… After lunch, we went straight for our interview… The first interview started at 2.15pm… Followed by the rest which later ended at about 4pm… Since we were the last group, we got to return the projector and the screen to its original place according to Ryan... He is one of the communicator who contact with us…

After that, we went back to the hostel to rest… I even took a nap after coming back from the school… Really am very tired… At about 7pm, they called me for dinner… I quickly get change to go with them… Since our meal cards have been collected back we just went outside to buy our food…

There a lots of food for us to select but it hard to make a choice… Still, we got to make a decision… I then just brought some sticks food to full up my stomach… After finish we went to buy some things from the supermarket… Some drinks and snacks…

Then went back to the hostel to rest and do some journals stuff… Also, some of our group and individual reports… We hoped to hand it in before going back so trying our best to complete it… At about 12 plus, we went to bed and rest… Tomorrow still got a long journey to go… Day by day, journal will be getting shorter and shorter… It really got to depend then… Keep you all updated… Nights…

Today when finished having dinner I saw the vendor of the stalls throwing rubbish at the roadside… That was so unpleasant to see it… Some more when we went down the stairs, we saw their back alley…

It was so dirty and there were people living in there… I wonder how they can really stand the place there… Is the government trying anything to change living lifestyle of living?

In conclusion, I really thankful for what our government have done for our country… If we are without a government like now, we would not have a good home to stay, having a good education and a green and clean country to live on… That is why from now we got to study well to repay back to the country as well as giving our best earning to provide living for our parents when they are old…

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