Sunday, 5 April 2009

04-04-2009 (Saturday)

Today the weather was cold… It was a rainy day too… I woke up early in the morning at 8am thinking that the rest will be waking up early to have their breakfast… I never expect that they are sleeping like a log… Then I just have to do my own things till about 1pm, waiting for them to be ready for lunch instead… We have our lunch in the school canteen…

While others like Dave’s group and Jeremy went to HanKou to shop… Siew Bo, Shao Ming and Ya Lun went to the Wuhan Zoo… As for us, we just have to get our lunch in the school canteen… After lunch, we went out to collect our laundry… Then go for a shop outside the small stall just outside school… Then after that we went back to the hostel to rest, sleep and play till about 7pm then we have our dinner…

After dinner, we continued to play, sleep and at the same time we also do some touch up on our mini-project for the APPG… As well as completing the IS report that is needed for next week presentation… Overall, we did not do much for today activity… It was really a bored life, without going out for a shopping on the Saturday…

I just curious why the people hate us to ask them a few questions… Just like today when we go out to purchase some medicine for Shu Gen and Cristofer’s grandma… We were just wanted to ask them some question on the medicine and wanted to a full detail of the medicine in case we bought the wrong one… Just when we decide on purchasing it, the lady take it back thinking that we do not it already…

She showed us that she was pissed off… We purchase the medicine already, not only that she did not say thank you and even left the change on the table… In conclusion, I really think that this is not the way they should treat their customer…

If that service was to bring to Singapore, sooner or later the person will surely get a complaint letter by the customer… Anyway, we still bought the medicine because it is for their grandma… If not, they also would not want to purchase things from the clinic…

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