Tuesday, 14 April 2009

14-04-2009 (Tuesday)

Today was the day we are going back to Singapore... It was an unforgettable memory for us to be in Wuhan… Today we wake up at 8am to pack our last item to our luggage… Waiting for the arrival of the weighing scale, we went to have our breakfast at Canteen 2… It will be the last breakfast at canteen… Really cannot bear to leave the canteen… After breakfast, we went back to hostel to weight our luggage… My luggage will be the heaviest one as I put most of my thing in the luggage…

After weighing the luggage, on the way down to the ground floor, without knowing that my luggage handle will break off, I nearly fell down from the stair… After having that feeling, I tried to hug my luggage down together with some help from my friends… At the same time, the service apartment’s attendance was checking for any loss… We got to pay for the loss we make in the apartment… Remember there was a time - our apartment shower head was spoilt…

The attendance went to make a replacement and we got to pay about 80 Yuan for the shower head… After everything was done, we make our move to the front of the Information Engineering block to put our luggage into the bus… At about 11am, everyone board the bus and we head towards the school entrance and at there we wait for a while till Mr. Chua had settled everything for the service apartment…

After which we set off to the airport… We take about 2 hours of ride from WUST to the Wuhan Airport… By the time we reached there, it was about 12.30pm… Since our boarding time is at 1.40pm which means we have about 1 hour to loiter in the airport till the time to check-in… At there we have our lunch before we check in… After we check in, we waited about 5 minutes before we board the air plane at 2.45pm… By the time we reach Guang Zhou, it was about 4.30pm… Our next boarding time was 6.45pm… After we touch down at Guang Zhou, it was about 5pm…

Then we got to transfer our flight to another gate… Before that, we went to collect our luggage at the belt then we head towards another gate which is opened for Singapore check in… Slowly, each and every one of us slowly checks in our luggage and after that we head to the check point to check in for our final destination… The boarding time for the flight was at 6.35pm so we are a bit rushed for the next flight… Everyone went as fast as possible because we might be late for the boarding time… When we reached there, we quickly board the flight as it was about to take off…

The take off time was at 7.10pm but we took another 20 minutes before we really take off as they need to be ready for the take off… The flight took us about 4 hours plus… It was a long journey but to me the time was short as I am able to reunion with my family after leaving them for about 42 days… It really a long await opportunities I been waiting for…

In the flight, everyone was as hyperactive as they are having the same feeling like me… When we reached Singapore at 11pm, everyone was celebrating and cheering away… When we touchdown, we took a last group photo of the day and then went towards the arrival hall…

Before we leave the hall, everyone were buying themselves a last souvenir which is the wine, liquor and beer which we could purchase a set for people above 18… After a long queuing, we went towards the belt to collect our luggage and then went out to meet our friends or family members…

After that, we take a photo with our friends before we really say goodbye with one another… Then we went straight home, when we reached home, we unpacked our luggage and settle all clothing which need to be washed… After that, we went to bed to rest and finally a Home Sweet Home…

In conclusion, it really feels great to be at home… Towards these 42 days of living in Wuhan, I really have lots of experience and words to express my feeling… I have make lots of friends in Wuhan too hoping we be able to contact one another… Also, I have made a strong bonding with my friends in Ngee Ann… Hoping with be able to together throughout the three years in Ngee Ann… There I really glad to be able to participate in this journey…

Individual Report (15%)

Individual Report
The pre-trip learning objectives which I have set for myself to learn and discover, during this period in Wuhan, there lots of the factors which have helped me achieved my objectives.

Firstly during this trip, there were lots of activity and outing which bring us to too many different places. The places will be the Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company on how they going to produce the fibre for the cable and the metal steel factory on how they produce steel. It is normally out of bound to unauthorized people. As we are considering the school excursion and so we have a chance to explore inside the company. It’s a really rare opportunity for us and is also the first time we be invited into the factory. These are places where we learnt some knowledge of the production of the cable and steel. During the duration of Wuhan, I really experience lots of their different cultural and history, their living lifestyle and condition in Wuhan. Our lecturers also help us to gain lot of knowledge which is unable to learn from the textbook. Their personal experiences were being added to our learning process too. During the first week of Wuhan, the first obstacle that I had face will be the food that was being served. The food that they served was nice and hot but the amount of oil, salt was a lot more than what I had expected. As we are in Singapore, our government always says that we must ask for less oil and salt but ask for more vegetables. In Wuhan, we also try to practice the way what we do. Few days later they will ask us whether we want to have less oil and salt for our foods. That was really a great start in Wuhan. The first obstacle was then being overcome. In order to be healthy at all times, we always drinks lot of water. Another obstacle is that we got to learn how to wash our own clothes. The first few days, I tried not to wash any clothes but when more days came, I started to wash my clothes. As I realize that if I not going to wash any clothes, I will be buying more and more clothing and this will spent me a bomb. Till then, I finally learnt on a very useful skill on how to wash clothes so when the time I go back I can really wash the clothes.

Secondly what I have learnt in this trip, as being mentioned that I had went to the Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company. Learning the process of how they made the fibres. There are a total of three stages. First is to clean the glass rod to remove the impurities in it. Second, is to melt the glass rod to form a diameter not more than 5mm of glass wire and got to be coated twice of a special chemical. Lastly, is to inspect the quality of the glass wire and to respond to those special request customer who have purchase the glass wire Some want it short and some want it to be long or even coated with colors. There also times we been visiting some scenic places like the provisional museum, Yellow Crane Tower, Wudang Shan. From these scenic places, I learnt a lot of great history of Hubei and Wuhan. Knowing that the Romance of the 3 kingdom were being take place in Hubei. They are previously divided into three parts which is known as Wei, Chu and Wu. Till now, there are still places to represent and to pass on the history and culture of Hubei. I also attended some lecture which is conducted by the China lecturer. The interesting topics conducted by them are the Business Etiquette and Strategies, Chinese Traditional Thoughts and their way of conducting Wedding and some knowledge of Feng Shui. After having this lecture, I can somehow understand what their thinking, the way they doing things. Knowledge about feng shui was basically from the five elements which are Fire-Passion and High energy, Earth-Nourishment and Stability, Metal-Clarity and Preciseness, Water- Ease, Freshness and Abundance and Wood- Health and Vitality. One of the objectives of coming to Wuhan is to do some shopping. While I was shopping in Wuhan, I realized that the international brand is expensive than the local. No matter, how I reduced the price, they would not let me get the price I asked for. They have their own local brands too. Like the 361 degrees and Peak which are much cheaper than the international. There also have lots of roadside stalls at night. Most of the stalls are selling foods. Their foods here are also much cheaper and delicious. They also have their own brands of fast-food restaurant like Discos and Q-Pie Burger. They even sell puppies at the roadside. Those puppies are so cute which can be adopt. They also have dishes which uses the dog as ingredients which I think is really cruel. Comparing it with Singapore, it was totally different. Singapore, we are not allowed to litter or even to split in the public and not to smoke in various places like the toilet, playground or shopping centre. Over in China, people would just split on the floor, litter anywhere they go. They would just smoke anywhere they go even if there a sign “No Smoking”. Their children also will just do their small or big business in the public without any considerate act to be concern.

Thirdly when I reviewed the questions that I had framed, I have found a suitable answer in China. I now then understand the culture and history of China and the lifestyle, the standard of living of the people. After attending a lecture by Mr. Yin who taught us on the Business Etiquette and Strategies, I now then understand how they make their business and how they communicate. When we went to YiChang to visit the Three Gorges Dam, I get to know about their technology and the magnificent structure of the dam. It can produce mass electricity current to provide electric to every household in the province. It can also help to manipulate the water level. The weather in Wuhan sometimes was high in the afternoon and low at the night. The daylight in China end earlier than Singapore. At 7pm it is completely dark. Comparing their IT mall and Sim Lim Square, their IT mall is much bigger than ours. Regardless where we go, everywhere they sell electronic stuff. During the trip, I then understand how bad the pollution they made. It can be understandable why China is being ranked the first which release the most carbon monoxide. We also went to Wudang Shan to visit their beautiful scenery and also understand their China martial arts. Though I am not interested in the martial arts, it can be sure that they are really famous in it. The training at there was quite tough as they got to be very firm and sure of their next move. Throughout the whole trip, I understand a lot of things and use it in future. I can also practice these skills as it will benefit me in the future to be able to deal with client easily.

Lastly, I have learned to have trust in other people, willing to take initiative and also my interpersonal skills. Much more is able to interact with students studying in China. Knowing their education system is totally different between ours. I also truly understand the cross cultural issues between the different of Singapore and China. China has lot of areas that need to improve like the living condition unlike Singapore. Singapore also has some areas that can also be learn which was like how they preserve their long history of culture and how they uses their natural resources to produce electricity current.

Monday, 13 April 2009

13-04-2009 (Monday)

Today the weather was very sunny… Early in the morning I wake up… After brushing my teeth and get changed, we head towards the 司门口 to collect photo frames that we make from the previous trip at there… We set off at 9am towards the司门口 and reach there about 9.55am… Firstly, we went there to collect the photo frames and then we have our breakfast at KFC…

After which about 11am, we went to some shops to do our last trip of shopping… There was actually not much for us to shop but just feel that a bit empty and have an urge to buy something…

After shopping for a while, we went to the opposite side to do last round of shopping… At about 12pm, we took a cab through and flow, it total cost us about 108 Yuan… The first trip was quite expensive compared to the second one by 8 Yuan… I wonder why it is so. Then we went to our hostel to put down all the photo frames and later we head towards the supermarket to purchase stuff for the evening ceremony… We get some tidbits and drinks total cost about 176 Yuan…

After spending so much, we immediately went back to the hostel to put down those things… We let ourselves rest for about 15 minutes and later we got to head towards the main gate to get ourselves a last group photo… The weather was really a hot afternoon… Not like some other times where there still breeze blowing at our cheek… After the group photo it was already about 4 plus… The ceremony will be held at the International School at about 5.40pm… After we went back to the bunk, we collected those foods and head towards the International Language School…

We took the school bus to the destination about 1 Yuan… It was really cheap… Since it was the last time we are at the school, we just try the school bus… On the way up the hills, the wind was so cooling… It really makes me feel great to have hope on the school bus… About 5 minutes, we reached the school and we went in there to start to decorate the stage… Though it was not well decorate, we at least have put in our best effort in it... We also were told to arrange the chairs but due to shortage of chairs, we tried not to arrange it in a formal way… Just a very informal ceremony to be held…

At about 6pm, we started with our ceremony… First of all, as everyone is sitting with their own friends… In order to mix them up, we played a game known as “Blow Wind Blow”… After about 5 minutes, the ceremony started… We begin it with a very short introduction, inviting Prof An and Mr. Ma on stage to give their individual closing speech followed by a small token of appreciation to the china students… After that, we have small refreshment for every one of them...

Then we have a small performance… Today, we are very honour to be able to hear Ryan singing for us… Some other performance like Shu Gen going up the stage to sing again… Chen Chun to be our Dancing Queen… Thought we sabotage them, we also being sabotage by them… After that Alex went to have some psychologies games… After which about 7.25pm, we went to the empty space to play our fireworks… At first, we were stopped by the security…

Later on, after some confirmation from them, we get a consent letter to play the fireworks… Among all the fireworks we play, the best one will be the big box one… It can last for about 10 - 15 minutes… It was really very magnificent to be surrounded under the fireworks… The view and feel of it will not be able for us to describe to you all… Later after the fireworks, we went out to have our dinner… After dinner, we went back to the hostel to pack our luggage…

It was really hard for us to pack our luggage… They are lots of things that we have bought from Wuhan… It really hard for us to pack… Anyway, we still think of a way to pack everything into the luggage… It was really a tiring day for me… I was happy after all as it is the last day for us in Wuhan…

Today when we were playing fireworks, the feeling was very new to us… This may because it was the first time we play a big box of fireworks… Really was very enjoyment and happy… Playing as a group really makes the atmosphere more enjoyable…

In conclusion, playing such an event we got to play as a group… Do not be selfish to play it alone… The more people, the merrier we will be... Till then I shall write my last day of journal when I reached home and post my Individual Report to blog… Take care then…

Sunday, 12 April 2009

12-04-2009 (Sunday)

Today the morning weather was still a breezy day… Later on in the afternoon, it started to rain and this makes us very headache… This morning we wake up at about 9 plus to go to the 光谷步行街… First we thought of having our breakfast at the Canteen 2 and later on we thought of going to have our breakfast at the 光谷广场. We immediately went out of school gates and went up for either bus or mini-van…

When we went to the mini-van, we ask about the price to光谷广场 and he wanted to collect us about 30 Yuan… First we think of it and soon dropped out the ideas of it and went to take the Bus no. 901… About 5 minutes, the bus came and we board the bus towards光谷广场… We took about 30 minutes to reach there but one thing is that the destination that we stop was further down the route… In the end, we have to walk back for about 10 minutes…

This time, we felt really frustrated how come not directly to the mall… Then after a while we think that is alright… When we reach光谷广场, it was about 11am… We just went to MacDonald to have our breakfast but in the end we have our early lunch at there… We take about half an hour to finish the meals and went to get some things from the mall… At there we take about 2 and half hours to finish shopping… Some of us get some animation figurines, some wallets, posters and some belts for their relatives… Next, we went to a shop known as the DQ which sells some soft-serve type of products and drinks…

We get in there to purchase some drinks and then sit down there to wait for Ernest to come from the school… About half an hour then he reaches… After that we went to their Carrefour to get some drinks… After a while, we went back to the school and this period the rain was quite heavy but we have no choice but to continue to walk to the hostel… The first thing we went back to the hostel is to get a bath… As we will all wet and sticky…

After that, we then do some of our reports till about 6 plus… Then receive a message by Mr. Ma informing us about the cancelation of the fireworks due to the heavy rain… At 7 plus, we then walk to Canteen 2 to get our dinner and finish about 8pm… Heading back to the hostel to wait for the 9.30pm briefing… During the briefing, Mr. Chua told us to sign on a paper for those who can receive back the money we spend on the cable car ride to go up…

Then told us to return the land yard to him by today briefing and telling us about tomorrow logistic plan… As it will be the second last stay in Wuhan… We were all very exciting… Though there always some disappointment, we still have to leave… After the briefing, we went to our individual room to finish up the reports that Mr. Chua need the IS summary which were conducted by the china lecturer… After which, we turned off the light and went to bed at about 1am… It was really a tiring week… Goodnight…

During the briefing, I saw Sebastian’s group as well as Khoon Fong, they have make a change over after coming back from Anhui from one of the China student for house visit… It was really regret for not going along with them or have a house visit on our own too… They have bought lots of foods from there I supposed… There also lots of things for us to learn from the experience… Really miss it…

In conclusion, for any kinds of home visit we must really attend it… If not, we will be missing out all the fun and excitement… Till then I will observe more wherever I go… Anyway, there only left about 1 day to go… Really cannot wait… Goodnight then…

Saturday, 11 April 2009

11-04-2009 (Saturday)

Today the weather was quite sunny at about 9 plus… We then wanted to take a van over to the 司门路… There were a total 10 of us so we are not able to squeeze all of us in… We just have to separate our way there… We four of us taking cab and the other 6 of them taking the van… Zhi Hui, Xin Rong, Jiahe and I then take cab there…

When we reached the司门路, it took us about 45 minutes to reach there and cost us about 52 Yuan of the cab… Luckily, we split into 4 of us so each of us about 13 Yuan… Since we are the first to reach there, we then start to shop for a while without waiting for the other group… We went into the mall called the ATM mall… Inside it we shop for a while getting some T-shirts…

Jiahe and Zhi Hui both also get one too… Cost about 40 Yuan… Later on, when we received called from the other group, we went down to look for them and asking them how come they were late so they told us that the van driver had a fight with one of the driver… After knowing that we were shocked… Regardless of the matter, we continue to shop for our things…

Again, we went into the ATM mall again… Getting some other suit and also some T-shirts again… When we about to leave the ATM mall, at about 1 plus, it started to drizzle… Before we leave the shop, we also get ourselves some belts and souvenirs… Then we head towards some other shop selling some cool bags… Jit Siong, Zhi Hui and Ernest also get something for themselves too… They total get two pouches and one bag… All are quite useful for journeys or some activity and even camping… After that we went to some other places to shop again…

Then for a while, we went to eat some delicious 汤包. It actually the same brand that we have just a few miles away from school and they said it was nice… Actually it was really nice as we were able to taste the soup inside the汤包… After the汤包 we went out of the store to get some ice-cream…

There a total of two flavors… Either chocolate or vanilla and even mixed… After getting that, some of us felt tired of shopping then the other still continued… There a total of 6 of us going back first… WE took a short route to the opposite side to take van… In the end not able to get the van we get the cab instead… About 3 of us, in a cab… When the first cab came, three of us went in first… Got Siew Bo, Jit Siong and me… Same thing we took about 45 or less than that to reach the school… Since it was raining, we told the driver to send us inside the school…

The cab fare was about 53.50 Yuan… That was really expensive… Coming here to spend on cab really not worth it… What can we do then? As we not sure whether take which bus to reach the place… After a while, the other group came back and at about 7 plus, we have our dinner… Today was supposed to play fireworks due to the raining weather, the event was being called off and postpone to Sunday at 7.30pm… Same venue… Anyway, we have our dinner at Canteen 2… The fried rice again…

Today the vendor’s auntie asks when we are going back… We just told them about 3 days more… and they ask us whether we will miss the place.. And we answered yes of course especially the foods down here though it was a bit oily for us… After dinner, we went out to the supermarket store to get some T-shirts again… It was really nice… When we were about to leave, we saw Mr. Ma shopping around… Just wanted to ask him to tag along with us but he just said that he be shopping himself… Then we just went off and go to the opposite side to buy the 汤圆…

About 4 bowl of it because it is really nice and we ordered more… As it was also raining, we quickly went back to the hostel to get our shelter… By the time we reached back, the汤圆 bowl was already deformed… Soup start to drip out from the bowl so we got to quickly finished up the汤圆 till it get cold… After that we went to do our journals and at 12 plus, lights were being turned off and everyone went to bed to sleep… Goodnight…

Today when we went to buy the汤圆, the auntie saw us and immediately know what we are going to order… We are really amazed by it… This shows that when we patronize the shop, they actually remember their customer faces… That was really a great one… They then give us additional one more balls into the bowl and we really very grateful with it…

In conclusion, I really find that there actually others who are very taking care of one another… This can be shown when the auntie makes us feel that we are very welcomed… This really able to promote their store as they have a very good service and as well a very good smile… From here, I would like to thanks them once again for their diligent hard work they have put in to make us feel really special… Thank You… Goodnight, sweet dreams…

10-04-2009 (Friday)

Today the weather was a sunny day… According to the weather forecast, it said that today will be rainy day but it turns out to be a sunny day… We then proceed to our plan to go to the IT mall to purchase some electronics stuff…

After that, Jia hui and I went back to the hostel while others went to the 江汉路步行街 to shop… When we are on the way back, we took the Bus 901 back school… The weather today was really a hot day… According to the thermometer in the bus, it was about 34 Degree Celsius… Both of us still wearing jacket thinking that today will be a cold weather but we were wrong about it… The bus was quite stuffy and both of us are like sweating in the bus then… Standing throughout till we reach the school…

About 45minutes trip, we reached the school and get down… We felt so warm in the bus compare to the outside… Much cooler… Then we just head back to the hostel to rest… I went back to my room to watch some anime then I take a bath… At about 4.30pm, I then saw Stefen online… Thinking that we will be going to the 江汉路步行街 with them too but he never… We then decide to accompany him to the Canteen to get something to eat…

When we are near the school gate, we decide to go out for dinner instead of him alone; we all go out to eat… We went to KFC to have our dinner… At there we get ourselves 8 pieces of chicken with 2 free regular drinks and bought 2 large drinks total about 50 Yuan… Was it cheap? Who knows… After that we went to the opposite where they sell that barbecue foods which is about 2-3 Yuan… The most I prefer will be their sesame glutinous rice balls… After some snacks, we went to the supermarket to purchase some drinks and tidbits…

By the time we shop finish about 8 plus already… The rest of them are already at the bunk waiting for us… Seeing them buying so much stuff, I really jealous of not going but I do not really mind… We then stay at their bunk for a while after that we went back to our room to do some other stuffs… Most important is to pack some our luggage because we have bought quite a number of things… Trying to figure out how to pack inside the luggage… Then at about 12 plus we went to bed and turned off the light as tomorrow we still have to go to Yellow Crane Tower to get some of the stuffs we need…

We went to buy some MP4 from the IT mall… When we go in there, there were many of them asking us to buy laptops stuffs or even accessories… We just ignored them… Till then, we went to a shop which looks quite alright so we went there to get the MP4 and that is the second time we getting…

If we can, we not going to get back the same models so we take a longer time to search for it… We then finally find a suitable shop to get the MP4 after trying some other models we decide to brought about 5 sets of the model that we bought the previous round and 2 sets the new model that we think that is fine… After some inspection, one of the models seemed to have some fault so we wanted a new one…

She tells us that she will go get for it but that was actually the same one that I had asked her to change… In the end, we just bought 4 sets the same model and 3 sets other models… Though was not really satisfied about the service, we just get and go without saying anything…

In conclusion, I was not happy with the service… She actually can just tell me that she cannot do that… Instead of taking the fault MP4, to touch up a bit then come to me that she have changed a new one for me… I wonder whether she want to try her best to please us or just want to have a good impression of her? After what she do, I am not going back to the shop again… Anyway, i still counting down to go back Singapore... It was the last 4 days more...

Thursday, 9 April 2009

09-04-2009 (Thursday)

I am counting down to go back Singapore… Left about 5 more days before I can really see my parents and my friends… What a long journey I have in Wuhan… Today was another sunny day once again… I wake up at about 10 plus and went to do my necessary things… Doing nothing after all the washing that needs to be done…

It was a day doing nothing… Still, we got to complete the last touch up for the mini-project… As in the afternoon, we have an interview for our mini-project…

Then at about 1pm, we went to have our lunch… After lunch, we went straight for our interview… The first interview started at 2.15pm… Followed by the rest which later ended at about 4pm… Since we were the last group, we got to return the projector and the screen to its original place according to Ryan... He is one of the communicator who contact with us…

After that, we went back to the hostel to rest… I even took a nap after coming back from the school… Really am very tired… At about 7pm, they called me for dinner… I quickly get change to go with them… Since our meal cards have been collected back we just went outside to buy our food…

There a lots of food for us to select but it hard to make a choice… Still, we got to make a decision… I then just brought some sticks food to full up my stomach… After finish we went to buy some things from the supermarket… Some drinks and snacks…

Then went back to the hostel to rest and do some journals stuff… Also, some of our group and individual reports… We hoped to hand it in before going back so trying our best to complete it… At about 12 plus, we went to bed and rest… Tomorrow still got a long journey to go… Day by day, journal will be getting shorter and shorter… It really got to depend then… Keep you all updated… Nights…

Today when finished having dinner I saw the vendor of the stalls throwing rubbish at the roadside… That was so unpleasant to see it… Some more when we went down the stairs, we saw their back alley…

It was so dirty and there were people living in there… I wonder how they can really stand the place there… Is the government trying anything to change living lifestyle of living?

In conclusion, I really thankful for what our government have done for our country… If we are without a government like now, we would not have a good home to stay, having a good education and a green and clean country to live on… That is why from now we got to study well to repay back to the country as well as giving our best earning to provide living for our parents when they are old…

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

08-04-2009 (Wednesday)

Today it was another sunny day… It was the last 6th day before we are heading back to Singapore… Although we have so much fun here, we are not able to hang around here for too long as our parents are waiting for us… Today I woke up at 8 plus in order to collect the 2008 April paper answer…

After which I went back to hostel to touch up my mini-project as we got an interview tomorrow in the afternoon… Then the rest of the day will be staying in the hostel to slack, play and also to do our things… At about 11 plus, we went to have our lunch at Canteen 2 as we got to finish up the balance in the card because we got to return the card by tonight… I still have about 20 Yuan in the card balance…

After lunch, I then left about 10 Yuan… That was really a fast spending though the food sold in the canteen was about 6 Yuan… Then we head back to hostel to chat, play and discuss what we shall do in the evening… Some of us suggest that we may have a table-tennis game in the evening…

We accept the suggestion and then wait till evening about 5 plus… The rest then went back to have a nap till evening… At about 5 plus, we went down to the clubhouse, in order to play, we got to register for the place before we can actually use the facilities… After register, we head up to level 2 to use the table-tennis table… Total we have 3 bats and 2 balls which we use it among 5 of us… We then take turn to play till halfway, we then decide to play some billiard so we went down to register the room and collect the sticks…

Halfway playing, we felt a bit tired then at about 7 plus, we went for our dinner in the canteen… As I still have balance in my card, everyone got to went to the canteen to eat… This makes me so guilty conscience… Then after that we went out to get some snacks at the road stalls…

The delicious one will be the glutinous rice ball with black sesame in it… After that we went back to the hostel to attend a short meeting… Then we got to return the meals card to Mr. Chua… Then some work to do… Then we end the meeting… Everyone then went back to their dorm… Then at about 12 plus me off my light and turned off…

Today we went out to buy some souvenirs for our friends… I actually ask for some discount from the shops… The first store that I went to give me a discount without any hesitation… The other one that I went ask me to become their member before I can get a discount… There was a helpful lady then use her member card to get a discount from the shop… It makes me feel so touch and thankful to her… She was actually a worker at the store too…

In conclusion, if anyone was to be like her, we as the tourist will be very happy because we can get a discount straight away without asking them… Here, I would really get to thanks the girl for her excellence service she has put in…

07-04-2009 (Tuesday)

Today the weather was sunny… We have an activity which is conducted at the Cultural Village where we have our barbecue… It had been a while since we have such an activity… A few years back, these games were already introduced to us… Anyway, getting this feeling back was good… Just to experience the exciting process again… About the journey, we got to wake up very early in the morning at bout 7am…

Got to reach the village at 8am… Still, we were a bit late for the activity… When we reached there, we were still waiting for the other group of students from our school to participate too… They reached the village at about 8.30am… Before they come, we have started some of the games just to warm ourselves up… After they reached, we were split into 4 groups all mixed up together…

Then I was being group to Group 4… Firstly, we got to name our team, and then we got to design a logo for our team and lastly the cheer for our team… It was really a struggle at the beginning of time… After we have known one another then we felt comfortable… Just like the camps we have been in our years of memories… After we have decided on all the things, we when to perform to boost our sprit in our team… After which we got to build a tank wheel with the newspaper provided… It was a really tough and challenging activity that we got to do… At about 11plus, we went to have our meals… Some of us brought the group of students to enjoy the famous fish balls at our side,汤逊湖. The rest did not join them and went to have some delicious fried rice at Canteen 2…

As for me, I also went to canteen 2 but I take away the food as I am too tired because if the activity conducted in the morning… When we reached our hostel, we finish our packet food then we were resting in there… After few minutes, a group of the students came to our hostel for some home visits… After they see our hostel, they were so jealous about us that everything we have here was very good… One of them even say that “同人不同命”which means we are all humans being but was treated in different ways… After the visits, we went back to the village to continue our next activities which were the high elements equipment…
We have so much fun at the village especially the wall climbing period, where we get to see them climbing up the mountain… Some climb it like it is their second nature and some were struggling… After the wall climbing, we have a group photos to keep us a memorable day we have ever had… After that, we thank all instructors for all their effort put in to make this event a successful one… Then we were told that there is nice scenery at the park when we go inner of the village so some of us actually took a few photos at there while others actually went back to their hostel to rest… At about 7plus, about 5 of us went to Canteen 2 to have our dinner…

Shu Gen was left in the dorm as he was feeling unwell… After which, we have a short meeting at Mr. Ma dorm at 9.30pm… During the meeting, Mr. Chua has told us lots of things… We got to remember at all times… One particular issue will be the punctuality… I myself understand what he is trying to tell us… As nowadays, Singapore is trying to hire China and India workers for the jobs in Singapore… As their pay rate is lower than what our local workers get…

That is why many of them trying to get all the workers to replace the local… As well as the hard work they have put in, in their work which makes them a very helpful hand to their boss and able to get promote faster… As for our local, their demand towards work is as high as those foreign workers but their quality of work were not up to the standard and that why when they are just 5 minutes late, they will be fired… That is why our punctuality is very importance… Anyway, after the meeting we were told to book our interview time with Mr. Ma for our mini-project examine…

Then, we called it a day… Everyone was very tired after a long day of activity especially those climbing that we got to do… Anyway, we all were enjoying ourselves during the activity… It the best time ever…

When the MDE division students came to our hostel, we then understand that how good our service apartment is to us… Hearing their grumble, we then imagine how bad the situation is… They told us that they do not have proper tiles, they do not have any kettle, mop, broom and tables are provided including television…

They do not have a proper place to do their laundry… Sometimes, it is really pros and cons… Overall, my hostel is still the best…

In conclusion, I would like to recommend everyone to have an overseas experience once in your lifetimes… It is very exciting and able you to know many others new friends… Do not just waste your time especially in your Polytechnic life… It is the most important things for you to enjoy…

Monday, 6 April 2009

Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment

Characteristic: Open-mindedness
Current Self estimate: 60
Target after trip: 80
Comment and/or learning strategy
I tried to be more open-mindedness towards most of things. Trying to adapt to such happenings around me. Though sometimes really do not dare, i still try to overcome it.

Characteristic: Respect for other beliefs
Current Self estimate: 70
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
Living in a group, we got to be mindful of our words. This trip does not include only myself as there lots of people around and we got to respect to.

Characteristic: Trust in other people
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 80
Comment and/or learning strategy
Trusting on one another is a must to do. Sometimes, we got to be careful too. We do not know when we will be sabotage by others.

Characteristic: Tolerance for discomfort
Current Self estimate: 70
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
To me, I should be already prepared for any discomfort. Living in a discomfort ways helps us to grow even mature and able to think much more for others.

Characteristic: Tolerance for ambiguity
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 80
Comment and/or learning strategy
Towards anything that I not sure, I tried to ask for an understanding. As it is hard for us to know nothing that we got to know.

Characteristic: Patience
Current Self estimate: 40
Target after trip: 70
Comment and/or learning strategy
I am a quite impatient person especially towards others who taking its own sweet time. Now, I have change more than what I am expected. Trying to accommodate to their actions as not everyone think about the same.

Characteristic: Sense of personal control
Current Self estimate: 60
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
Towards certain control there are. Mind-controlling for me would be sometimes thought first before I act it out. Money-controlling, I tried to spend it wisely, not just buy things I liked got to really think of other aspect.

Characteristic: Interpersonal skills
Current Self estimate: 40
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
Slowly after interact with those china students. I tend to be a little chatty if not sometimes I just keep quiet and listened to others for what they have to say.

Characteristic: Willingness to take initiative
Current Self estimate: 30
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
Being initiative to me is a must. Just that sometimes would not know whether when to lend a helping hands to others. As long as you need any help, just can just approach me.

Characteristic: Willingness to take risks
Current Self estimate: 10
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
Risking as in what type of risks as long as it is not anything that is dangerous. I should be able to take it. Like lots of challenges.

Characteristic: Sense of humor
Current Self estimate: 30
Target after trip: 70
Comment and/or learning strategy
Speaking of humor, I cannot really make any good jokes. At least with my friends I will not make them feel bored. Got to really learn how to crack jokes to improve the atmosphere. Sometimes, my secondary school friends say that I am good making jokes so I not sure about myself anyway…

Characteristic: Curiosity about other cultures
Current Self estimate: 90
Target after trip: 100
Comment and/or learning strategy
Coming to this trip, one thing I learn was to learn about others culture and history. The cultures here were totally different from ours. It a very rare opportunity for us to learn.

Characteristic: Comfort level with strangers
Current Self estimate: 70
Target after trip: 90
Comment and/or learning strategy
Since I had been communicating with most of the students in China, the level of comfort with strangers will not be as low as what I used to be before. Plus, I also was working so I can be able to handle the comfort level with strangers.

06-04-2009 (Monday)

Today was a sunny day… Really hate when the weather keep on changing… Especially from rainy day to sunny day then alternate again… Sometimes really make us feel warm and sometimes feel cold… Really hate the weather here but like the food here…Today we do not have much lesson… All lessons left are for revision… Sooner or later, we will be having our theory test 2…

Today waking at 9am then went for the 10am lesson that Mr. Chua conducted… From the lesson, we can somehow experience how Mr. Chua does his studies from a tender age till his university… We really learnt lot of things from his lecture… The way how we must manage our things, how we plan our learning timetable and how should we assigned our time for studies when we having a shorter time for revision…

During the lesson, Mr. Chua teaches us the topics that we still not quite understand from Chapter 5 onwards to 7... Mr. Chua slowly went through each chapter for us to really understand it… By the time he finish all, we really got understand a bit of the lecture better… By the time he finished, we went for our lunch with him at Canteen 2… Eating our favorites- Fried Rice... After meals, we went back to the hostel to rest for a while till 1.45pm… Then we go for our second afternoon revision class…

Not much of them attended the lesson because it an optional lesson… Anyway we still attend it as we know that our APPG was not that good… After a few examples go through by Mr. Chua, we go through exam test paper of February 2009… After that we finish the lesson and went to canteen 3 to have our meals… This was the second time we went to canteen 3… In Canteen 3, we can find a combination of Canteen 1 and 2 together but not comparable with the fried rice store…

There was herbal soup and some home-cooked rice there too… There one thing other canteen does not have are those on-stick foods… Then we settled our meals at canteen 3… After that, we went back to hostel by climbing up the hills… Then for about 10minutes, we reached our hostel… We go back to our individual bunk to rest, taking our bath and then finished up our remaining work… Not possible to finish up today… It was a lot to complete… Still, we will try our very best to finish it…

About 12plus, we were taking our rest as we got a group activity at the cultural village at 8am… Nothing much actually… Just lot of things happened today… In conclusion, I hoped that throughout this trip, we are friends and at the same time, studying and playing together… Nothing much to summary anyway… Here, just to hope that everyone of us enjoyed the trip…

Sunday, 5 April 2009

05-04-2009 (Sunday)

Today was a sunny day. We decide to go to 江汉路步行街to shop… Before that, we go and have our lunch first… After finish lunch, we decide to take bus number 901 to the IT mall but we change to 907 to the IT mall as we do not want to wait at the bus-stop for too long… When we took 907, we were still curious about whether we are at the wrong track or not but when the bus reached the destination, we felt safe as we knew that we have reached the stop…

From the stop, we supposed to change to bus number 608 but we were not able to get the bus as the directory of the bus do not show 608 so we thought we were lost and took a cab to the JiangHan Lu… Firstly, we got to cross the 长江一桥before we can go over to the 江汉路步行街… We ask the driver whether we can go or not and many of them refuse us as their car plate number is not all the digit one so we not able to go there…

Till then, we tried to fetch the cab to the place and for a while we finally fetched it and started our journey to 江汉路步行街… During the journey, there was lots of nice scenery when we crossing over the bridge… After about 20minutes, we reached the JiangHan Lu… We went to the place where we agreed to meet which is the Disco restaurant… The cab fare from the IT mall is about 32Yuan… Is that cheap? 32 Yuan = SGD 7.50. It took them about 10 minutes to reach… We ask them why are they so slow so they tell us that the person do not know the place so they have to took another cab to the place but the cab fare is about the same as ours… After we meet, we went straight to the place we are heading to, took us about 15 minutes to reach… The place was quite big… At first we were still think that is entrance is too small there should not be many shops open inside…

Yet, it proves to us that we are wrong, the moment we entered, we are overwhelmed by the things we saw in it… There actually many shop for us to look around… At about 4plus, we went to have our late lunch at the Pizza Hut… The pizza there was about the same like what we have in Singapore… Some dishes were different like they provide rice with a big prawn and that were so much like the western food… After the late lunch, we went back to the mall which is actually known as The ATM mall; inside there we went to buy some wallets and some shoes… Also bought some interesting things…
Some sort of key-chain things… After which, we split into two groups… As the other group still wants to shop so we went and take cab to go back to school… During the journey back to school, the driver was asking us lot of questions and we slowly answer him… Among all the questions he asked, one question is that he wanted to find us each a girlfriend… We then were laughing away… The time we leave the place was about 6.10pm… By the time we reach the school, it was already 7plus so we took about 45minutes to reach the school… The fare that we come back was about 74 Yuan…

Total we spent 106 Yuan on today journey to 江汉路步行街… Yet, we still feel it is worth as we got to shop lot of things that we needs… Overall, we felt really happy about it… At night, we then go out with Ernest to collect his mother birthday’s cake… He bought about 16 inch of the cake just to celebrate his mum birthday… It was very rare to see that there still a filial piety case like Ernest… Very touching…
After which, we start to celebrate with the cake ourselves… To keep a happy and reunion memories that we have in Wuhan… After that, we finished up the celebration and everyone went back to their bunk to sleep… It was a really enjoyable day for us…
For the cake that is made in China, it was full of cream… For the product here, most of it was make of milk…

It tastes so creamy sometimes when eat it feel so much full… Although there is calcium in it, still not very good of health… Still remembering about the milk case that happened in China… I wonder is it good ourselves at that time of period of time… Maybe most of us already forgotten about it… There always things for us to really considered before we take it in… Always look after our health when we are overseas…

Heard of a story from Kenneth… It happened few years back when his Mum was working at TTSH… There was a patient who came to hospital to have his check-up… During the check-up, the patient found out that his have one of his kidney lost… How strange right? It was being told that he was once in China having an operation because of the fish bone that was struck in the throat…

Then he went to for an operation to remove the bone… When he recovered he did not feel any amiss till he was back in Singapore to do a check-up… In conclusion, this was to tell us to really take care of our health…

Be caution with every thing that you see… Learn to take good care of yourself when you are overseas especially when parents are not at our side… It makes us to be even strong enough to take good care of ourselves… Now, we still have about 9 more days before we go back to reunion with our family… Really miss the day come soon…Still counting down…

04-04-2009 (Saturday)

Today the weather was cold… It was a rainy day too… I woke up early in the morning at 8am thinking that the rest will be waking up early to have their breakfast… I never expect that they are sleeping like a log… Then I just have to do my own things till about 1pm, waiting for them to be ready for lunch instead… We have our lunch in the school canteen…

While others like Dave’s group and Jeremy went to HanKou to shop… Siew Bo, Shao Ming and Ya Lun went to the Wuhan Zoo… As for us, we just have to get our lunch in the school canteen… After lunch, we went out to collect our laundry… Then go for a shop outside the small stall just outside school… Then after that we went back to the hostel to rest, sleep and play till about 7pm then we have our dinner…

After dinner, we continued to play, sleep and at the same time we also do some touch up on our mini-project for the APPG… As well as completing the IS report that is needed for next week presentation… Overall, we did not do much for today activity… It was really a bored life, without going out for a shopping on the Saturday…

I just curious why the people hate us to ask them a few questions… Just like today when we go out to purchase some medicine for Shu Gen and Cristofer’s grandma… We were just wanted to ask them some question on the medicine and wanted to a full detail of the medicine in case we bought the wrong one… Just when we decide on purchasing it, the lady take it back thinking that we do not it already…

She showed us that she was pissed off… We purchase the medicine already, not only that she did not say thank you and even left the change on the table… In conclusion, I really think that this is not the way they should treat their customer…

If that service was to bring to Singapore, sooner or later the person will surely get a complaint letter by the customer… Anyway, we still bought the medicine because it is for their grandma… If not, they also would not want to purchase things from the clinic…

Saturday, 4 April 2009

03-04-2009 (Friday)

Today weather was cold… We are having our final lesson of APPG… We wake up and freshen ourselves then we went to have breakfast before we go for lesson… Our breakfast will be as per normal… After breakfast, we went for lesson… Today lesson was quite slacking as we were going through our Theory Test Paper 1. It was a very nervous period when we were getting the paperback…

Before that we were discussing about the answer for the Theory Test Paper 1… After which, we were given back the paper to look through… By checking the paper marking as well as the marks… Though it is not up to what I wanted to get, I still managed to pass… Some mistakes that happened to be in will not do it again…

After that we were being released for lunch. Before we go for lunch, we are asking whether this afternoon have any lesson. Since they say no, after lunch we went back to hostel to sleep, play and doing laundry… Many of us got to complete our mini project for APPG.

At the same time, to finish up some of the project that was being assigned to us… After that at about 7plus, we went to have our dinner in the school canteen… At the period of time, the weather was not so good… We still went to the mart to buy something and we saw Siew Bo making a new spectacle…

Still wondering, is it cheap to make things in China? Is the quality the same as what we have in Singapore? Really got many things for us to find out… After that, we waited for him and went back to hostel together… Continue to do the things need to be done… Finish up our journal and at about 12plus I turned off the light and went to bed… I wonder why I am so tired tonight… Nightzz...

During this period of time I finally knew that we got to plan our time wisely… If not, we will be rushing for time to complete our things… We should not have the mindset that time will be waiting for us as if that is so, you be telling yourself that I still have lot of time… Then your work will be postponed to tomorrow and again tomorrow…

In conclusion, I got to use my time very wisely, not to spend any single minute or second just doing things that are not important… Important things must be assigned to the first priority while others depend on how importance that we got to finish up…

Coming here, really make a very big difference in our life… We able to understand why certain are done this way while some is done that way… Like the way they communicate with one another and compared with the way we communicate with them… Through it all, we should not be comparing with each other… We are all equally the same…

Thursday, 2 April 2009

02-04-2009 (Thursday)

It was freezing cold weather today… I wonder is the weather going to be like this throughout… It is already April and it should be a summer period…

Really do not know… Anyway, today got to wake up very early as lesson will be starting at 8am… Today first lesson was to lecture by Mr. An… He was going to finish another half of the lecture…

His lecturer was quite understandable that he tried his best to give us more detail about his say… Though sometimes I not really understand what the things are all about, I tried to give my very best attention to him…

Today lecturer was about Taoism and Buddhism… One of our classmates was actually a belief of Taoism because Singapore does not have Taoism so he took it as Buddhism… That person is Jit Siong… As for Buddhism, I believed most of us believed in it while others are Christian or even a free- thinker… I wonder how we really classified ourselves in which belief…

After the lecturer, we then went to have our lunch… When the time we went out of the school, there actually a drizzle and slowly is started to rain… To us not so heavily but to the students in China, they telling us that the rain is heavily… Then we quickly have our meals and then went back to the hostel to rest, completing work and taking afternoon nap… The next half of the lecturer will also be conducted by a China lecturer… Not Mr. An again…

The person is called “Christopher”. We also have a friend call “Cristofer” but his name is different from the lecturer even though they are about the same pronunciation… The afternoon was about “The Culture of Marriage & FengShui”. It’s very quite interesting as we be able to see many different culture of marriage. Before the wedding ceremony what they have to prepare, during wedding ceremony and rituals after wedding ceremony… After all the wedding ceremony, we were being taught some knowledge of FengShui…

After the lecturer, we were released and went back to hostel… At about 7.30pm, we went out to have our dinner and after dinner we came back to hostel to finish the remaining works that need to be done within this few days… At about 12pm, we turned off the light and sleep…

Today I get to observe that some places of China do not experience heavily rain… With a small water droplets dropping onto us, they say that the rain was raining heavily… Sometimes when seeing them ordering food, they were like treating the server a maid… Do they practice some manners? I was wondering…

Luckily not all china is behaving in that way… I know that some places maybe worst but they do need to know how to change… Still we were tried to influence them with our culture that we know how to say thank you when someone offering us with some help or even giving us what we want…

That is what I like to say that manners is everything to see a person personality…

In conclusion, personality makes a person character… If one would want to behave in that way, we do not have a way to change them… That is their life… That be all… Goodnight!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

01-04-2009 (Wednesday)

Today is 1st April. We have been in Wuhan for about 28 days and we are still enjoying ourselves. The day still go on… Today having a lecture at 8am… I do not know what the lecturer is going to teach… We went to have breakfast at canteen 1, there were too many people so we packed our food and went to the International School…

After that, we went for our lecture… Today lecture was being taught by the dean of the international school… It really our privilege… Today lecture was a bit interesting as it give us a clearer mind of the history of China… Different Dynasty came in different years…

There kingdom rise and fall… Mr. Phillip An who is the dean of the school taught us a lot of knowledge. The knowledge is regarding about the way of how we behaved and look... How knowledgeable are we to be inspired by this few phrases... It was really a long lecture that we had today…

At least, we managed to learn something that we do not really know in details… After which, we were being released for lunch and that was really very early… It was only 11plus and we can go for lunch… At about 12pm, we finish our lunch and went back to the hostel to do our things… Some even trying to complete their mini-project… So am I… Still, I do not have time to finish it and we went to class at 2pm… When we reached the class, there was no lecturer.

Not even Mr. Ma or Mr. Chua… The rest of us then tried to finish their mini-project while others doing their summary for today IS lecturer… We then passed our time by doing all the project and works that need to be handed in… It was really a rushing period… When it about 5pm, we went back to our hostel and 5 minutes later we went to play some matches of basketball...

Together we Mark,Wen Hao, Benson, Dave, Jeremy and Xin Rong… It was a big group so we divided ourselves into three groups while the last group only have 4 players… During the game, we were really a tough fight… We got to hang in there opponent party wins the game…

This tells us that we got to preserves till the end and never give up… After that, we went to have dinner at Canteen 2… When we walked in to the canteen, we saw Mr. Chua with his wife and Mr. Ma, enjoying their dinner…

We also ordered our own food and we enjoyed eating meals at canteen 2… After meals, we then walked out of school to the province shop to get some necessities and then we were back to the hostel to rest… Doing our remaining projects and IS stuff… It was a really tiring day…

During everything that I do, I really learnt a lot of different things… Looking at others are doing and slowly digest it and understand why they have to do it… Today, when I walking back to the hostel, I saw a group of people cleaning the sewerage with a stick from the underground… That to me was really disgusted...

Still, I respect every single one of people that I know, I met. To me, not everyone are born to be the same… Different people have different lifestyle and have their own way of living… We do not have the right to interfere…

In conclusion, I thanks my parents for giving whatever I ask for and respect my decision… I hope through the stage that I am still growing, I would be able to be independent… Able to take care of them when they are old… I really thankful for everything I have received from everybody…

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

31-03-2009 (Tuesday)

Today the weather was not bad… It a sunny day… I feel so cold…

This may because of where the school is situated beside two lakes… Today we are having our last APPG lesson… We went to have breakfast before we go to class… Same as usual… After breakfast, we went up the hill to the class…

During the class, we were told by Mr. Ma that we got to be attentive in class if not we will not be able to understand what is Chapter 7 all about… We were all then listen to him lecture us about the APPG Chapter 7 lesson… The way he taught was really fast... After a while, we were told to do the tutorial 7 questions and hand it in…

When we are doing, he told us that we are able to do together with him and that is what we are waiting for… We followed him question by question till the last questions and he released us for lunch… We packed our bag and leave the class as soon as possible…

We went to Canteen 1 for our lunch… As usual of what we always get at canteen 1… That will be SOUP!! The soup taste really nice and you all should really try it… After lunch, we walked our way to our hostel… It was only 12.30pm and we still have about 1 hour before we go for our afternoon class… When we were in the hostel, some of us taking a nap the rest were playing or watching television… At 1.30pm, we went for the afternoon class… When we reached there, we got to start with our Lab 7…

Before that, we got to show him our Lab 6… To me, Lab 6 and 7 both are really hard… If we really do not understand the code or what the function of the code, we are totally gone…

During the typing code for Lab 7 was a very tedious part… After all, we managed to finish it… By the time we finished, it was already 5.10pm… We then went for dinner as we need to stay in the hostel after dinner to complete the rest of the work… Going to finish the trip, everything is like coming in at one shot so we got to prepared ourselves for everything…

During dinner, we get ourselves some home cooked dishes… about 5 dishes and 2 soups… Total spent about 70 Yuan… Is it very cheaper? After dinner, we went back to the hostel to do our things…

Firstly, got to finish our Lab 7… Secondly, our journal and lastly the mini project for APPG… It was a really rushed week… But still we managed to cope with it… Till now, got to do my work already… From now till we see again, Take Care!

Today make not much observation… In conclusion, I think that living here was really a great experience and knowledge… We are able to see many different things to broaden our knowledge towards other students in the overseas…

We got to able to understand how are they able to learn so much of things compared to us… They got to memorize the 5000 years of China history while us only a few years… We are totally different from them…

Including the education systems and the lifestyle too… Really hope to stay here for a few weeks but already start to miss family members in Singapore… From here, I shall not say anymore… Maybe next time when you come to the trip you shall feel even more than I do… Good night and Sweet dreams!!

Monday, 30 March 2009

30-03-2009 (Monday)

Today it was a good weather even though it is freezing cold… Today, we start our lesson at 10am… We went to canteen 1 to have breakfast before we went up for class… Today shall be the second last lesson of APPG…

We still have about two chapters to go… Today, Mr. Ma will finish chapter 6 together with the Lab worksheet that we got to do… In the first half of the lesson, we were being teaching on how to complete the Tutorial 6 question as well as the Chapter 6 notes… During the lesson, we tried to finish up first part of the lab worksheet which we got to design an interface of a calculator… After which, we went back to hostel to rest first…

At 1pm, we went to have out lunch… I almost eat about 2 bowls of rice… Hehe, I am a big- eater… After that we went to the class… We reached there about 2.10pm… After which we continued the other half of the lab… The other half of the lab will be more complicated than the rest we do… We not able to finish the lab within the lesson and so we bring it back to the hostel to finish up…

During the lesson, Mr. Ma tried to give us some tips on our Lab 6… After what he has to say, we still do not understand and that why we went back to complete it… That makes it a day for the lesson… On our way to have dinner, we saw some flea market at the side of the road and so we stop for a while to see what they are selling… Then at there we bought a chocolate for about 40 Yuan… Then we went to canteen 2 to have dinner because later we will be staying in the hostel to complete the lab as well as our mini - project that we got to hand in this Friday…

At about 9pm, we complete the lab 6 and the remaining time we tried to complete our mini – project design and some of the code… At about 12pm, it about time to go to bed so we turned off the light and sleep till next day…

Today I went to ask the uncle to write for me receipt for my things that I purchase two weeks ago… When I ask him to write for me a receipt, I do not know what he will say to me so I just asked… Then he remembered and writes me an official receipt… Before he write he also asked me some question but I do not really understand what he is telling me so I just say yes… He then started writing for me… After finished, he gave a pink sheet of paper…

He supposes to give me the white sheet instead? I not so sure… I just grabbed and go after he finished… I never ask much… In conclusion, I can tell that they seldom give receipt in school… This cannot ensure anything but still I learnt something new today… There a group of students speaking to us in English… They are actually students in the school campus… Are you shocked? Not really actually… Then I got to go already… See you when I see you again…Good Night!

29-03-2009 (Sunday)

Today the weather was good but it was a bit too cold out there… I wake up at 9.50am to go for our breakfast at 10am… Then they went to the IT mall that is near 广埠屯… To get some screen protector and MP4…

After which I went to collect my parcel which was send by my friend’s Mom from Jilin… She wanted to send her daughter some items and so I am ask to do it… The place which was the post office is near the Information Engineering Block…

I went in and then collect the parcel… I got to show my IC to let her written down my particular… It was their first time they see a foreigner IC so they ask me where my identification number… I told them where it is and I signed against my particular… They also very particular about the signature… I signed my English name and yet they wanted me to sign in Chinese… They said that they will have an audit check and if I do not sign in Chinese they will not be able to identify the identity…

After which I went to the hostel and at the same time I saw the other group having their late breakfast… They even asked me whether I coming along… In order not to reject them I say yes… Then I went up to put down the parcel and went down to have late breakfast with them again…

They went to canteen 2 to have their breakfast but after 10am, they will be serving less breakfast foods compared to serve the lunch… We went up to purchase the breakfast that we want and later it considered being the lunch… After lunch, we went back to the hostel to rest and after that one of the China students called…

Today we are barbecue at a village nearby and so we got to meet up to buy something for the barbecue… When we reached there to meet them, they have already bought some so we bought some drinks for the barbecue… After buying everything, we went back to hostel to prepare everything… Washing and cutting all the vegetables and put it in a pail… After which at 4 plus, we went to the venue to start our barbecue…

When we reached there, the attendant was not there and so we got to wait… As the security at the guard house say that she did not receive any message… What we can do is to wait and wait till someone came to open the door for after confirming everything with her first… We start the barbecue about 6pm instead of 5.30pm… During the barbecue, it was so much fun… We really enjoy ourselves… Although setting up the fire was not an easy task still we manage to overcome it…

At about 9 plus, we end the barbecue… We wash up everything and cleared the rubbish to the centre and wait for the cleaner to clear tomorrow morning… We returned every utensil we take and returned to the guard house… After that we went out. Some of us still feel a bit hungry so we went out to get something to eat while others went back to the hostel… At 11plus, we went back to hostel and do our things…

About 12 plus, we off the lights and went to bed to rest… Tomorrow lesson will be at 10am… Another tiring day to come…

Looking at the incident happened in the evening… It shows that they do not have a very good communication… They give others a type of mindsets that they think they have already done it and pass it to the other… Yet, they always others who were willing to help us no matter what… Like the guard house uncle…

He really helps us a lot… He went to the room to get the keys to unlock the door even though the door is locked… The keys that he gets cannot even open so we got to wait… Another bad incident happened… It was that when the security uncle went off, I tried to search for other keys to open the doors but not able to find it… Suddenly, an officer saw it and shouted at me…

Asking me what I am doing? I just told him the truth but I think he does not believe it… At the moment, I really felt that I was being accused… Overall, it was alright… As the security uncle helps to explain that it was he who opened up the window and luckily I am saved…

In conclusion, I will not repeat such a mistake again… Every time I met with such things no good things will ever happened… Never will bother such a things anymore again…