Tuesday, 31 March 2009

31-03-2009 (Tuesday)

Today the weather was not bad… It a sunny day… I feel so cold…

This may because of where the school is situated beside two lakes… Today we are having our last APPG lesson… We went to have breakfast before we go to class… Same as usual… After breakfast, we went up the hill to the class…

During the class, we were told by Mr. Ma that we got to be attentive in class if not we will not be able to understand what is Chapter 7 all about… We were all then listen to him lecture us about the APPG Chapter 7 lesson… The way he taught was really fast... After a while, we were told to do the tutorial 7 questions and hand it in…

When we are doing, he told us that we are able to do together with him and that is what we are waiting for… We followed him question by question till the last questions and he released us for lunch… We packed our bag and leave the class as soon as possible…

We went to Canteen 1 for our lunch… As usual of what we always get at canteen 1… That will be SOUP!! The soup taste really nice and you all should really try it… After lunch, we walked our way to our hostel… It was only 12.30pm and we still have about 1 hour before we go for our afternoon class… When we were in the hostel, some of us taking a nap the rest were playing or watching television… At 1.30pm, we went for the afternoon class… When we reached there, we got to start with our Lab 7…

Before that, we got to show him our Lab 6… To me, Lab 6 and 7 both are really hard… If we really do not understand the code or what the function of the code, we are totally gone…

During the typing code for Lab 7 was a very tedious part… After all, we managed to finish it… By the time we finished, it was already 5.10pm… We then went for dinner as we need to stay in the hostel after dinner to complete the rest of the work… Going to finish the trip, everything is like coming in at one shot so we got to prepared ourselves for everything…

During dinner, we get ourselves some home cooked dishes… about 5 dishes and 2 soups… Total spent about 70 Yuan… Is it very cheaper? After dinner, we went back to the hostel to do our things…

Firstly, got to finish our Lab 7… Secondly, our journal and lastly the mini project for APPG… It was a really rushed week… But still we managed to cope with it… Till now, got to do my work already… From now till we see again, Take Care!

Today make not much observation… In conclusion, I think that living here was really a great experience and knowledge… We are able to see many different things to broaden our knowledge towards other students in the overseas…

We got to able to understand how are they able to learn so much of things compared to us… They got to memorize the 5000 years of China history while us only a few years… We are totally different from them…

Including the education systems and the lifestyle too… Really hope to stay here for a few weeks but already start to miss family members in Singapore… From here, I shall not say anymore… Maybe next time when you come to the trip you shall feel even more than I do… Good night and Sweet dreams!!

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