Monday, 30 March 2009

29-03-2009 (Sunday)

Today the weather was good but it was a bit too cold out there… I wake up at 9.50am to go for our breakfast at 10am… Then they went to the IT mall that is near 广埠屯… To get some screen protector and MP4…

After which I went to collect my parcel which was send by my friend’s Mom from Jilin… She wanted to send her daughter some items and so I am ask to do it… The place which was the post office is near the Information Engineering Block…

I went in and then collect the parcel… I got to show my IC to let her written down my particular… It was their first time they see a foreigner IC so they ask me where my identification number… I told them where it is and I signed against my particular… They also very particular about the signature… I signed my English name and yet they wanted me to sign in Chinese… They said that they will have an audit check and if I do not sign in Chinese they will not be able to identify the identity…

After which I went to the hostel and at the same time I saw the other group having their late breakfast… They even asked me whether I coming along… In order not to reject them I say yes… Then I went up to put down the parcel and went down to have late breakfast with them again…

They went to canteen 2 to have their breakfast but after 10am, they will be serving less breakfast foods compared to serve the lunch… We went up to purchase the breakfast that we want and later it considered being the lunch… After lunch, we went back to the hostel to rest and after that one of the China students called…

Today we are barbecue at a village nearby and so we got to meet up to buy something for the barbecue… When we reached there to meet them, they have already bought some so we bought some drinks for the barbecue… After buying everything, we went back to hostel to prepare everything… Washing and cutting all the vegetables and put it in a pail… After which at 4 plus, we went to the venue to start our barbecue…

When we reached there, the attendant was not there and so we got to wait… As the security at the guard house say that she did not receive any message… What we can do is to wait and wait till someone came to open the door for after confirming everything with her first… We start the barbecue about 6pm instead of 5.30pm… During the barbecue, it was so much fun… We really enjoy ourselves… Although setting up the fire was not an easy task still we manage to overcome it…

At about 9 plus, we end the barbecue… We wash up everything and cleared the rubbish to the centre and wait for the cleaner to clear tomorrow morning… We returned every utensil we take and returned to the guard house… After that we went out. Some of us still feel a bit hungry so we went out to get something to eat while others went back to the hostel… At 11plus, we went back to hostel and do our things…

About 12 plus, we off the lights and went to bed to rest… Tomorrow lesson will be at 10am… Another tiring day to come…

Looking at the incident happened in the evening… It shows that they do not have a very good communication… They give others a type of mindsets that they think they have already done it and pass it to the other… Yet, they always others who were willing to help us no matter what… Like the guard house uncle…

He really helps us a lot… He went to the room to get the keys to unlock the door even though the door is locked… The keys that he gets cannot even open so we got to wait… Another bad incident happened… It was that when the security uncle went off, I tried to search for other keys to open the doors but not able to find it… Suddenly, an officer saw it and shouted at me…

Asking me what I am doing? I just told him the truth but I think he does not believe it… At the moment, I really felt that I was being accused… Overall, it was alright… As the security uncle helps to explain that it was he who opened up the window and luckily I am saved…

In conclusion, I will not repeat such a mistake again… Every time I met with such things no good things will ever happened… Never will bother such a things anymore again…

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