Tuesday, 31 March 2009

31-03-2009 (Tuesday)

Today the weather was not bad… It a sunny day… I feel so cold…

This may because of where the school is situated beside two lakes… Today we are having our last APPG lesson… We went to have breakfast before we go to class… Same as usual… After breakfast, we went up the hill to the class…

During the class, we were told by Mr. Ma that we got to be attentive in class if not we will not be able to understand what is Chapter 7 all about… We were all then listen to him lecture us about the APPG Chapter 7 lesson… The way he taught was really fast... After a while, we were told to do the tutorial 7 questions and hand it in…

When we are doing, he told us that we are able to do together with him and that is what we are waiting for… We followed him question by question till the last questions and he released us for lunch… We packed our bag and leave the class as soon as possible…

We went to Canteen 1 for our lunch… As usual of what we always get at canteen 1… That will be SOUP!! The soup taste really nice and you all should really try it… After lunch, we walked our way to our hostel… It was only 12.30pm and we still have about 1 hour before we go for our afternoon class… When we were in the hostel, some of us taking a nap the rest were playing or watching television… At 1.30pm, we went for the afternoon class… When we reached there, we got to start with our Lab 7…

Before that, we got to show him our Lab 6… To me, Lab 6 and 7 both are really hard… If we really do not understand the code or what the function of the code, we are totally gone…

During the typing code for Lab 7 was a very tedious part… After all, we managed to finish it… By the time we finished, it was already 5.10pm… We then went for dinner as we need to stay in the hostel after dinner to complete the rest of the work… Going to finish the trip, everything is like coming in at one shot so we got to prepared ourselves for everything…

During dinner, we get ourselves some home cooked dishes… about 5 dishes and 2 soups… Total spent about 70 Yuan… Is it very cheaper? After dinner, we went back to the hostel to do our things…

Firstly, got to finish our Lab 7… Secondly, our journal and lastly the mini project for APPG… It was a really rushed week… But still we managed to cope with it… Till now, got to do my work already… From now till we see again, Take Care!

Today make not much observation… In conclusion, I think that living here was really a great experience and knowledge… We are able to see many different things to broaden our knowledge towards other students in the overseas…

We got to able to understand how are they able to learn so much of things compared to us… They got to memorize the 5000 years of China history while us only a few years… We are totally different from them…

Including the education systems and the lifestyle too… Really hope to stay here for a few weeks but already start to miss family members in Singapore… From here, I shall not say anymore… Maybe next time when you come to the trip you shall feel even more than I do… Good night and Sweet dreams!!

Monday, 30 March 2009

30-03-2009 (Monday)

Today it was a good weather even though it is freezing cold… Today, we start our lesson at 10am… We went to canteen 1 to have breakfast before we went up for class… Today shall be the second last lesson of APPG…

We still have about two chapters to go… Today, Mr. Ma will finish chapter 6 together with the Lab worksheet that we got to do… In the first half of the lesson, we were being teaching on how to complete the Tutorial 6 question as well as the Chapter 6 notes… During the lesson, we tried to finish up first part of the lab worksheet which we got to design an interface of a calculator… After which, we went back to hostel to rest first…

At 1pm, we went to have out lunch… I almost eat about 2 bowls of rice… Hehe, I am a big- eater… After that we went to the class… We reached there about 2.10pm… After which we continued the other half of the lab… The other half of the lab will be more complicated than the rest we do… We not able to finish the lab within the lesson and so we bring it back to the hostel to finish up…

During the lesson, Mr. Ma tried to give us some tips on our Lab 6… After what he has to say, we still do not understand and that why we went back to complete it… That makes it a day for the lesson… On our way to have dinner, we saw some flea market at the side of the road and so we stop for a while to see what they are selling… Then at there we bought a chocolate for about 40 Yuan… Then we went to canteen 2 to have dinner because later we will be staying in the hostel to complete the lab as well as our mini - project that we got to hand in this Friday…

At about 9pm, we complete the lab 6 and the remaining time we tried to complete our mini – project design and some of the code… At about 12pm, it about time to go to bed so we turned off the light and sleep till next day…

Today I went to ask the uncle to write for me receipt for my things that I purchase two weeks ago… When I ask him to write for me a receipt, I do not know what he will say to me so I just asked… Then he remembered and writes me an official receipt… Before he write he also asked me some question but I do not really understand what he is telling me so I just say yes… He then started writing for me… After finished, he gave a pink sheet of paper…

He supposes to give me the white sheet instead? I not so sure… I just grabbed and go after he finished… I never ask much… In conclusion, I can tell that they seldom give receipt in school… This cannot ensure anything but still I learnt something new today… There a group of students speaking to us in English… They are actually students in the school campus… Are you shocked? Not really actually… Then I got to go already… See you when I see you again…Good Night!

29-03-2009 (Sunday)

Today the weather was good but it was a bit too cold out there… I wake up at 9.50am to go for our breakfast at 10am… Then they went to the IT mall that is near 广埠屯… To get some screen protector and MP4…

After which I went to collect my parcel which was send by my friend’s Mom from Jilin… She wanted to send her daughter some items and so I am ask to do it… The place which was the post office is near the Information Engineering Block…

I went in and then collect the parcel… I got to show my IC to let her written down my particular… It was their first time they see a foreigner IC so they ask me where my identification number… I told them where it is and I signed against my particular… They also very particular about the signature… I signed my English name and yet they wanted me to sign in Chinese… They said that they will have an audit check and if I do not sign in Chinese they will not be able to identify the identity…

After which I went to the hostel and at the same time I saw the other group having their late breakfast… They even asked me whether I coming along… In order not to reject them I say yes… Then I went up to put down the parcel and went down to have late breakfast with them again…

They went to canteen 2 to have their breakfast but after 10am, they will be serving less breakfast foods compared to serve the lunch… We went up to purchase the breakfast that we want and later it considered being the lunch… After lunch, we went back to the hostel to rest and after that one of the China students called…

Today we are barbecue at a village nearby and so we got to meet up to buy something for the barbecue… When we reached there to meet them, they have already bought some so we bought some drinks for the barbecue… After buying everything, we went back to hostel to prepare everything… Washing and cutting all the vegetables and put it in a pail… After which at 4 plus, we went to the venue to start our barbecue…

When we reached there, the attendant was not there and so we got to wait… As the security at the guard house say that she did not receive any message… What we can do is to wait and wait till someone came to open the door for after confirming everything with her first… We start the barbecue about 6pm instead of 5.30pm… During the barbecue, it was so much fun… We really enjoy ourselves… Although setting up the fire was not an easy task still we manage to overcome it…

At about 9 plus, we end the barbecue… We wash up everything and cleared the rubbish to the centre and wait for the cleaner to clear tomorrow morning… We returned every utensil we take and returned to the guard house… After that we went out. Some of us still feel a bit hungry so we went out to get something to eat while others went back to the hostel… At 11plus, we went back to hostel and do our things…

About 12 plus, we off the lights and went to bed to rest… Tomorrow lesson will be at 10am… Another tiring day to come…

Looking at the incident happened in the evening… It shows that they do not have a very good communication… They give others a type of mindsets that they think they have already done it and pass it to the other… Yet, they always others who were willing to help us no matter what… Like the guard house uncle…

He really helps us a lot… He went to the room to get the keys to unlock the door even though the door is locked… The keys that he gets cannot even open so we got to wait… Another bad incident happened… It was that when the security uncle went off, I tried to search for other keys to open the doors but not able to find it… Suddenly, an officer saw it and shouted at me…

Asking me what I am doing? I just told him the truth but I think he does not believe it… At the moment, I really felt that I was being accused… Overall, it was alright… As the security uncle helps to explain that it was he who opened up the window and luckily I am saved…

In conclusion, I will not repeat such a mistake again… Every time I met with such things no good things will ever happened… Never will bother such a things anymore again…

Saturday, 28 March 2009

28-03-2009 (Saturday)

Today was not a very good weather for shopping or tour… It started with a rainy day today… Everyone was like wearing thicker coat to prevent them from getting cold… We got to wait at the front gate at 8.15am… When we reached there, we were told by the tour guide that the driver will be late…
We immediately get a shelter to shelter us from the rain… We have our breakfast in the hostel as we bought some bread yesterday night when we are out… During the waiting time for the driver, we went to canteen 2 to get some warm drinks like Green or Red tea… Also, we bought some food too because the bread we bought is not enough… At about 8.25am, the bus came… We immediately board the bus without hesitation… Once we are all in, we start with our journey to Han Kou…

At Han Kou, we are going to visit the 江滩公园… As it is rainy heavily, we change the visiting location to 江汉路步行街… It takes about 10 minutes walk from the park to the street… On the way to there, the rain was heavy and some of us are like getting wet all over and feeling cold too… When we reached the street, it was about 10plus and the next meeting time is at 3pm… Total we have about 5 hours to shop the street… We thought it was fully enough but yet it is not…
When we reached there, we have our early lunch at a shop called” Dicos”. It was a fast food restaurant that sells rice and different types of burgers… After the early lunch, we shop from store to store…

The street was so long and full of brands like Adidas, Nike, Converse, Kappa, Peak and many more together with their local brands… After a while, some of us actually went back to the fast food restaurant to get something to eat while others still shopping for their clothing… Then at 2.45pm, the rest of the group came back and then we went back to the park to board our bus back to school… Actually not all went back school… As most of them still want to shop for more things and they are actually drop-off near the Yellow Crane Tower… As there information that there lot of shop selling cheap stuffs…

Therefore, most of them got off at the Yellow Crane Tower while others went back school with the tour guides… At about 5pm, we reached the school… Some of us do not bear to leave the tour guides and actually today is the last trip they are going to bring us to… Therefore, they gathered some place to take photos to keep memories… After that we went back to the hostel waiting for the rest to come back then we can have our dinner… Most probably will be staying in school for dinner…

At 8pm, we were going to have our dinner… After that we came back to have our meeting at 9.30pm… What we going to discuss today? The meeting we discussed about the progress of our core and IS module… Activity for tomorrow… After that, we finished the discussion and went back to our bunk… Till tomorrow then we meet again… Smile Always! Take Care!

In China, they have many different brands of fast food restaurant… Just like Singapore, we also have many different fast food restaurants… In China, they have many names of fast food restaurants… They are Dicos and Q Pies which are found in locals… MacDonald and KFC will be some sort of international brands of fast food so we cannot compared…

Singapore other brands will be Long John Silver, Burger King, Billy Bombers and many more… I wonder are these all consider fast foods too? Really hope to find out more others brands that China have… In conclusion, other than MacDonald and KFC which are the internationals brands…? Hope to find more other stuffs that only China have while we do not get a chance to see it in Singapore…

Friday, 27 March 2009

27-03-2009 (Friday)

Today the weather was not so good… It is a rainy day… Seeing the rain make me feel boring... We are going for an industry visit so we can wake up a bit later so we went to have our breakfast at Canteen 2…

There is totally different from Canteen 1 that we always have breakfast there… Canteen 2 only provides noodles and fried pancakes… No other things like Dim Sum or You Tiao… No choice so we just went to Canteen 2 as we are late... At there we just get some pancakes and noodles… Getting a drinks then we went off as we got to meet at 9.50am outside the administration block… At 9.45am, we are waiting for the rest of the group then at 10am we set off for the destination… It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to reach the place…

The industry company is called” Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company”. The company was so big that they actually divide into two plants… One plant to produce optical fibre and the other is for optical cables… Taking a short tour around the plant about 1 hour plus… Knowing the knowledge of the process fibre, make us to learn more than what others have not… The process of the fibre there a total of three parts… First, is to wash clean the glass rod to prevent any other small particles. Second, is to melt the glass rod and apply two chemicals to solidify the glass wire… Last, is to hand in to the product quality checked before sending it to the packaging session… We then take some photos for memories and at 12pm we went off for school… About 12.20pm, we reached the school and then went to have our lunch… Every day we eat the same things for lunch- fried rice…

After lunch we went to our hostel and then study for the afternoon theory test which constitutes about 20% of our marks… The test will be at 3.50pm so we left the hostel about 3.30pm… Reaching there about the time to start…

During the 1 hour theory test, I wished I was not there… The test was half easy and half difficult so we got 50% of passing and 50% on failing… After the test, we went for dinner which is about 5.30pm… Today was the earliest for dinner as the weather is not so good so early dinner… After dinner we went out to buy some bread for our supper and tomorrow breakfast as we are going out for a final tour in Wuhan… Today at 9pm we will be having our briefing in the end it was being cancelled… We then received sms by Mr. Chua and Mr. Ma that we will be meeting tomorrow at 8.15am outside the school gate and that was very early...

We have went for two industry visits… I prefer the one that we went today… The person, who called himself- Mr. Qian (Money), was a good speaker… No matter what we do not know, he will explain it to us… Unlike the first industry visit, he only talked to the one in front of him and neglects the rest at the back… We also have an interpreter that is none other than Mr. Chua… All thanks to him, the rest of us would be able to understand the whole process of the plant for processing fibre… Maybe the first place that we went was quite noisy so I do not take it to heart… Different places have different condition, able to tell on how well the industry is doing…In conclusion, during the visit of industry I do learn quite a number of products how is it being process… Do hope there was more chance for us to go for this visit…

Thursday, 26 March 2009

26-03-2009 (Thursday)

Today the weather was feeling quite cold… We do our usual business and went to have our breakfast… Same place and foods again… After which we went to classroom for lesson… Just when we stepped in, Mr. Chua was already there…

Thinking that today will be another day of APPG but never knew that it was being changed to IS module… We heard that Mr. Ma hurt his ankle and not able to teach for the morning class so they make this arrangement… During the class, we were told to do our journal and uploaded it to blog by today… It was really a tough task for us to accomplish as well as to do our photo essay… Another impossible task to complete…

Still, we tried to do as many as possible… After we done, we doing others project… Like the mini project for APPG that we got to hand in before we finished this trip… The progress was very fast… Finishing week 3, we already halfway complete the APPG module…

After that, we were called to have our lunch and came back in the afternoon… Again, we went to Canteen 2 to have our fried rice for lunch… Then, we went back to our hostel to rest till 1.45pm… We slowly climb up the slope to the class… The weather was much hotter compared to morning… Once, we reached the class, we saw Mr. Ma… Knowing that his ankle was still hurt yet he still came and lecture us, we then put in our full attention doing our revision for theory test as we will be having it tomorrow…

At about 3plus, he went through the answer with us and then Mr. Chua came to ask those leaders who interact with the china students to go with him to have a look at the venue where we going to have our barbecue on this Sunday…

Then we packed our bag and followed him together with Miss. Lisa, we went out of the school to the place… It was quite a distance away from school… The place was quite nice… There were all those high and low element games including wall climbing too… We just take a short stroll then we went back to our hostel… We rest for about 1 hour before we went out to have our dinner in school…

At 7pm, we went to have dinner… At 8pm, we came back to revise our things for tomorrow theory test and at the same time update today’s journal… At about 12pm, we turned off the light and went to bed as we going for an industry visit tomorrow too… Getting more rest for tomorrow… As a new beginning is awaiting us tomorrow…
Going to the place where we held the barbecue, the place was so very nice… There lots of things that we be able to play with… Full of high and low elements and wall climbing… There also a lake nearby which is so nice view from the place we look at it… There also blossom trees there which grew nice and really like the place a lot… Despite the rubbish down there, we still enjoyed the stroll at the place…

It was so beautiful that we forget the dirty area of the place… In conclusion, there still a place for us to enjoy ourselves… It not far from the school about 10 minutes of walk and we are able to reach… We do not even have to spend a single cent to let ourselves enjoy the facilities… Thanks all, I liked the trip so much… Haha…

25-03-2009 (Wednesday)

Today the weather was fine… We have our APPG lesson… Today we were told to complete Lab 5 and at the same time we slowly understand what is Chapter 5 is all about… The Chapter is about on how to store and read a saved data in a file that were commanded to be created…

During the whole period of time, we were asking some question on our difficulty… After completed, we went to have our lunch… At the same usual place… After lunch, we went back to bunk to have a short rest then we went to our afternoon class at 2pm… When we reached the classroom, we straight away do the theory test paper… At about 3.30pm, we went through the paper…

There quite a lot of question that we do not really know how to write but still we have learned that before… There one code that does not even use it during the lab test came out… It asks “How to take a photo from this folder to myPictureBox”? After some searching finally found out the answer… The answer is myPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(“D:\\photo\\me.jpg”);… After that we went to Canteen 3 to have a look… Buying some foods to eat… After hanging there for a while, we went back…

We were trying to find a path back but end up climbing up a hill… From there, we slowly walked down… Though the hill was a bit steep, we managed to come back harmless… After which, we rested in the bunk for 15 minutes and we went out to have our dinner…

Taking a short stroll out the school, we went to a shop called Four Seasons… The famous foods there are Soup Buns,汤包… The taste was real good… We ordered about 4 different trays of it about 10 pieces per tray… Some rice and noodles to fill up our stomach… Then we went to the opposite supermarket to purchase some daily necessities… At about 8plus, we came back and went back room to rest...

Do some work and assignment, also got to some blogging to blog for our journal… Taking shower, watching some video and then went to bed and sleep…

We went to the opposite side to have a look… They actually some road stalls that sold fried foods… I was observing why they are so many stall selling duck’s throat and intestine… Does it taste nice… Remember, there once before a china student that I know bought us some duck’s meat, the look of it does not taste nice… Instead, I was wrong… The duck’s meat does taste nice just that the spice was too much…
Once I finish it, I got to drinks lots of water to wash away the spice… That is very spicy… My whole mouth was numbed… This makes me reject the second piece… The foods here not only spicy but also the quantity was a lot… That makes us very full with just having a few of it… In conclusion, if you want to study overseas, you do not have the chance to be choosy… If you are choosy, there not of foods that you will not be appreciating…

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

24-03-2009 (Tuesday)

Today the weather was fine… Sky was blue with some breeze blowing in my face… My heart was pumping heavily… Today we were having our Lab Test which constitutes about 20% to our APPG… We were divided into 2 groups…

One group is at 9am, the other group is at 10am… This morning we did not want to have breakfast as it was very early so we have our breakfast after the Lab Test… We leave the hostel at 8.40am… Taking a slow stroll to the classroom… When we reached the class, we got to switch on the laptop in order for us to do the Lab Test… The duration for the Lab Test is about 1 hour… During the process of the Lab Test, my hands were feeling cold… Typing was very slow… Nearly cannot able to complete the test…

In the end, the running of the interface was quite successful… Although there were some minor details which I did not take note, I hoped that I can pass the Lab Test… Then after the test, my group and I went to have breakfast at the usual place…

Ordering the same foods… After that, we went straight back to our hostel to rest and playing some games… Waiting for the other group to complete the Lab Test and having lunch at 1pm… We went to the same canteen everyday without feared… After lunch we went straight to class… When we reached the class Mr. Chua was already there including all the other groups… He was telling us about the IS module that we need to know… Our process towards the IS… After he finished, we were given some break time…

We used the time to do some our stuffs… Next, we will be going through the design of the interface of APPG for Chapter 5… After which, we went back to our hostel to rest again… We went to play some basketball matches. At 7pm, we went to have our dinner… Same places and foods again… After dinner, we went back to hostel to do some work… At 11pm, we turned off the light and went to bed…

Nowadays, when we went to the canteen to have our meals, the order taker will ask us whether we want to have dry chilies in our rice… With this type of service that the person gave, I am sure that many of the customers would want to go back to the same stall to order their food… I also observed that the way they take the orders, they are very friendly… They always keep their smile in their faces… Unlike in our country, when we requested for too much, they will just turned their face black… This is really not acceptable… Even though our country is very concerned about the service, some of them just do not cared much… In conclusion, there something we got to learn from them is to keep our smile on our faces at all times… This make us look fresh and energetic… The next observation is to see what other things we can really learn from them, unlike those that are doing the wrong things…

23-03-2009 (Monday)

Today the weather was not so pleasant… It was a rainy day… Starting it was just a drizzle who knows that it will start to rain... At 9.15am, we hurry went to get our breakfast… Lesson supposes to start at 9am but we were given a privilege to come to school at 10am… In order for us to have enough sleep, lesson was postponed to 10am… After breakfast, we went to class…

During lesson, Mr. Ma was going through Chapter 5… and after a while he goes through Chapter 6 and that was just a brisk going through… After that, we were being released for our lunch… Yet, it was still very early as we only have our breakfast at 9.30am… The foods have not been digested yet… We decided to have our lunch at 1pm… After which, we went straight to class…

We are having our trial test… Duration was about 1 hour… The test was not so difficult if we followed the steps given… After the trial test, we were given answer and then make the day of our lesson… We then went back to our bunk to rest… At 7pm, we went to have our dinner… The food here was getting nicer and nicer… After dinner, we went to our bunk to revise the previous chapters that were taught for the trial test… At 12pm, we turned off the light and went to bed…

We went to the fruits stall… We saw the way how they peeled off the skin of the pineapple… The way they peeled the skin is like doing some designing… Very fun… The fruits stall not only sell fruits but also selling some dry biscuits… The stall was full of variety… In conclusion, with just one stall around, they do not need any other stall… The school compound was really very big…

22-03-2009 (Sunday)

Today the weather was not so bad… We need to wake up very early… Meeting at the grand hall at about 6.30am… As usual we are late, no choice to hurry a bit…It really very early for us to be awake at that time… Calling at one another is the best morning call… Luckily, we were all able to be awake…We went to the same restaurant to have my breakfast… The breakfast there was not so bad… They provide for us eggs, porridge, noodles, steamed buns and meat buns too… That was really very delicious… After we finished, we went to the toilet that is outside of the restaurant… The place toilet is much cleaner compared to the one at the restaurant that we see… After then, we went to the Wudang Shan for our second trip.
This time round we got to explore the Jin Ding… Either we take cable car up or we climbed up the mountain… Cable car took about 15minutes to go up the mountain. As for climbing, it took about 2 to 3 hours...

We then intended to take the cable car up the mountain… Queuing for the cable car was very long. There were a lot of people… Some of them even cut the queue for the cable car… Therefore we got to wait for quite some time… In order to prevent them from cutting, we got to close up the gap… Still, they have their way of cutting in… We waited and waited for about 2 hours… At about 11.30am, then is our turn to go up the cable car… Total capacity of the cable car is only 2… We got to be pairs before we can get up… Once we are up there, we went up to the Jin Ding with the tour guide…

On the way up, we saw a group of students from our school… Those who hike to the mountain was actually up the hill earlier than those taking the cable car… When we reached the Jin Ding, we were scared by the height but the scenery from the top was very beautiful and magnificent… We took a few photos from there… About 1 hour later, we walked down the hill… On the way down, we saw some souvenirs and so we bought some home…

Then we went down to meet the other group to take the cable car down… Once we are down, we went to have our lunch which is already 2.30pm… By the time we finished, it was already 3pm and the time we went down the hill took about 50 minutes… After which, we went back to the tour bus and on the way back to school… It was another long journey for us… Another 6 hours till we reached the school… We slept for a while till we reached a service centre which was already 7 plus…

Then we were awake till we reached school… On the way back, the journey was so thrilling… The driver was driving on the opposite side… At about 9.30pm, we finally reached our school… We went straight to purchase our dinner at the road stall… At about 10pm, we went back to the hostel to settle everything and then take our shower and went to bed…

The traffic here was very chaos… When the driver went to the opposite sides, no one ever horn at him and was agree with what he was doing… That maybe acceptable for them to do so… Compared to Singapore, we will be horn like hell when we make such a mistakes because the road sign that is being assigned clearly stated… Overall, we cannot compare with what we are learning in Singapore… The cultures were totally different… In conclusion, I felt safer in Singapore than in China…