Saturday, 21 March 2009

Individual Learning Plan (20%)

Individual Learning Plan
TO: Mr. Chua and Mr. Ma (Trip Leaders)

From: Poh Yu Lun, S10061027H,
Student (Overseas Immersion Programme)
Subject: My Learning Plan

Date: 23rd March 2009

1. Learning Objective

I would like to learn about the culture, the history, and the ethnic groups of their capital. By learning this, I am able to know them more, making us easier to interact, and more topics that we can actually talk about. I only know that they like to throw their money on the counter when they are paying their bills. Knowing about the capital is a big challenge. This can help to gain more experience and understanding of the capital. I do not know many of the things so would be interested to learn every single detail. Most interested to find out their how is their culture is. The motivation for me to learn is the future that is waiting for me. To learn and to be able to apply in our future job society. By applying it when it is necessary. Once we have learnt, it will be our life-long knowledge that will not be easily forgotten and we can apply it when we want to.

2. Focus of Inquiry

My focus for my goals is to able to make more friends… I am interested in Social Relationships. First of all, social relationships in the society nowadays is very important. We need to have more social friends regardless in school or at work. Having more friends, we be able to broaden my social lifestyle. In school, we be able to have more support in some of the area like in class or during co-curriculum activities. At work, we be able to know friends from different areas. Different areas means that having friends who are in different levels. To me I am passionate to areas like cleanliness or even some minor things that I got to give more attention to. As I been working part-time, I preferred more towards operation. Running an operation will not be very easy as one really need a lot of support either from your colleague or even from your IC.

3. Questions for investigation
· What is the difference between Singapore and Hubei-Wuhan?

The difference is that Singapore is a green and clean society. Singapore is also being called the Garden of City. This contribution have to thanks to the road sweepers and cleaners who are at the sides cleaning and the people living in the country for their effort they put in to keep a green and clean garden. As in Hubei-Wuhan or even in any part of China, they do not have a mindset of keeping their country clean. Anywhere we went is full of rubbish. No matter how many road cleaners are being assigned, they still will not keep the country clean because the people are not doing their parts.

· Why makes Hubei- Wuhan as a development country?

In the past, Wuhan was not what we think it is today. Till today, we see a great change anywhere we go. The roads are being repair, new flats are being built and even they wanted to build underground trains. The history of Wuhan is really very important. Have any one of you heard of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms? According to what they say, the past battlefield is actually situated at Hubei. That is why they are trying to preserve the country and develop it even more.

· How come there are many businessman coming to Wuhan to do business?

The reason why Wuhan has many businessmen coming to do business is because it is a development country. Not only in Wuhan has it also attracted more businessmen to come to China for trading. The ways they do business were very good. After attending the power point slides, then I realized it.

· Why is interaction with China that important?

In order to explore into China industry, we need to have more interaction with them. Knowing that their business theory and the way they handle their things is very good for us to learn about it. Forget about the way how they litter, their thinking mindset is very far. Before you think about it, they have already thinking out the way you would like to use. They have very good business mindsets. Knowing them is our greatest effort as we be able to learn more things from them.

· How are the attraction sides that are situated in Wuhan?

Being able to come to this city, I am very please. As I be able to come here learn and play at the same time. Going to take a look at Wudang Shan to see how is their living condition. Not only that, going to JiangChang Yi Qiao to take a look. Full of so many places to play, others may not think too well. The most attracting sites are the ChangJiangYiQiao and JiangHanLuBuXingJie. They also have the Dong Lake and the Provincial of Museum. Always remember to learn and play at the same time so that to be able to balance your everyday diet.

4. Development of global skills

ü Trust in other people
· Choosing this skill is because I would like to prepare myself to believe every single one. To me, a trust is important for us to be able to use in the future working society. Trust means that someone believe in you and your capability. Because of the trust, it can make a person work more efficiently and effectively. For example- In the future when I am out in a working society, I cannot only depend on my certificate. I must have a trust just like when I am being promoted to a manager; I need to trust my staffs in their capabilities. Always give them the trust that one can give so that they can work happily and efficiently.

ü Willingness to take initiative
· Choosing this skill is because I prefer someone to take initiative in his/her work. I would like to improve this skill that I think I am lacking in. Willingness to take initiative shows a person effort and passion towards his/her work. Showing your effort and passion even proves that you are a person who can take hardships regardless anything. This can help me in future when I am in the working society. As nowadays, boss would like to see their staffs taking initiative in their works. They do not really wish to see that their staffs is unwilling to take initiative. They only would want to see hardworking staff or staff who can endure hardships.

ü Interpersonal Skills
· Choosing this skill is because I am lacking more on the interpersonal skills. I am not able to communicate well with others. I am not good in expressing myself. This are the two biggest problems that I need to overcome. I know that interpersonal skills is very important in our daily activities. If someone interpersonal skills is not so good, he/she will be working like a bull and no one would want to lend him a helping hands. I do experience it myself and that is why I choose this skill. In the future society, we need more people to be around so that they are able to help one another. Knowing that combining powers, we will be stronger than any others. Things are too huge to handle and we must know when to divide the jobs into smaller parts so that when we do will be easier and finished it faster. I looking forward to master the skills to be able to use it in future.

5. Learning strategies
I might want to learn on observation, interpretation, analyze events and of course trying some new experiences. Observation helps in many ways. Observation is the process of filtering sensory information through the thought process. In order to do so, we got to first observe a person’s behavior, attitude and character. To get this work, we get to learn through trainings and experiences. The more experiences you gained, it will be easier for us to be able to overcome certain problems. Interpretation is an explanation of the meaning of some object of attention. It also refers to making ideas more understandable, including translation. It helps us to interpret our understanding to others more clearly and be able to express ourselves more directly. To be able to master it, we really need lots of trainings in it. Analyze is process of breaking a complex topic into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. Therefore, my learning strategies are to analyze the problem, from there through observation, I will make a decision and then interpret for understanding to others more clearly. Overall, I will gain some new experiences. These experiences will be with me for my life-long learning. It is also able to pass down to my next generation for further growth.

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