Thursday, 26 March 2009

25-03-2009 (Wednesday)

Today the weather was fine… We have our APPG lesson… Today we were told to complete Lab 5 and at the same time we slowly understand what is Chapter 5 is all about… The Chapter is about on how to store and read a saved data in a file that were commanded to be created…

During the whole period of time, we were asking some question on our difficulty… After completed, we went to have our lunch… At the same usual place… After lunch, we went back to bunk to have a short rest then we went to our afternoon class at 2pm… When we reached the classroom, we straight away do the theory test paper… At about 3.30pm, we went through the paper…

There quite a lot of question that we do not really know how to write but still we have learned that before… There one code that does not even use it during the lab test came out… It asks “How to take a photo from this folder to myPictureBox”? After some searching finally found out the answer… The answer is myPictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(“D:\\photo\\me.jpg”);… After that we went to Canteen 3 to have a look… Buying some foods to eat… After hanging there for a while, we went back…

We were trying to find a path back but end up climbing up a hill… From there, we slowly walked down… Though the hill was a bit steep, we managed to come back harmless… After which, we rested in the bunk for 15 minutes and we went out to have our dinner…

Taking a short stroll out the school, we went to a shop called Four Seasons… The famous foods there are Soup Buns,汤包… The taste was real good… We ordered about 4 different trays of it about 10 pieces per tray… Some rice and noodles to fill up our stomach… Then we went to the opposite supermarket to purchase some daily necessities… At about 8plus, we came back and went back room to rest...

Do some work and assignment, also got to some blogging to blog for our journal… Taking shower, watching some video and then went to bed and sleep…

We went to the opposite side to have a look… They actually some road stalls that sold fried foods… I was observing why they are so many stall selling duck’s throat and intestine… Does it taste nice… Remember, there once before a china student that I know bought us some duck’s meat, the look of it does not taste nice… Instead, I was wrong… The duck’s meat does taste nice just that the spice was too much…
Once I finish it, I got to drinks lots of water to wash away the spice… That is very spicy… My whole mouth was numbed… This makes me reject the second piece… The foods here not only spicy but also the quantity was a lot… That makes us very full with just having a few of it… In conclusion, if you want to study overseas, you do not have the chance to be choosy… If you are choosy, there not of foods that you will not be appreciating…

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